Late Summer Resonance

In Chinese Medicine theory, there are five natural elements that exist within us, as they do in nature. Each season belongs to a particular element and has unique correspondences. When we study nature’s patterns and cycles, we can learn how to support our own health and stay well year-round.

The Earth element belongs to a “fifth season” that spans from the hazy days following the peak of summer to the start of Autumn. During this time of year, we focus on the digestive system, nourishment, and stability. Late summer is also a time to prepare for the coming year’s work, so it is a time to go from the outward expressions of summer to a more inward expression to prepare for the year ahead.

The Spleen and Stomach meridian systems belong to the Earth element, and they play a very important role in our overall health and wellbeing. Every YIN organ in TCM is seen to have its own unique Spirit, and the Spirit of the Spleen is called the Yi. The Spleen is directly related to our capacity for thinking. How well we manage our thoughts, concentrate, exercise discernment and form intentions are dependent on the strength of the Spleen.

Late Summer Resonance Vitality House, Perth

Late Summer Resonance, Swell Yoga Studio, Margaret River


Late Summer Resonance Yoga South West, Dunsborough